Monday, 12 March 2012


BRIEF: The poster has been and still remains an important and powerful means of communication both in commercial, political and artistic settings. It is a vehicle that has carried the visual language of some of the greatest graphic designers, artists and illustrators to the masses.
For many, posters become iconic symbols and they adorn the walls of bedrooms across the country. The artwork of the poster becomes by association the visual representation of everything a film, a band, a political message, or a lifestyle embodies for an individual.

You are required to design a poster for the Roman Polanski film Cul-de-sac.
Your poster should reflect the feel of the film and the dynamics of the characters relationships.
As always consider the interaction between type and image and also consider the 'hierarchy' of type.
Draw upon everything you have learnt so far this year and utilise the techniques and processes you have developed.

No imagery from the film to be used.
Sharon Jones was my inspiration for this poster. Her printed works gave me the idea to present all three main characters in one. The bare legs represent the woman Teresa and her flirtatious personality; the top hat represents Dickie the Gangster; and the cigarette represents George. Although from the poster it isn't clear what the film is, it rises many questions of what it could be about - which in a sense is what i spent a good amount of time doing before and after watching the film.

When researching for artist/designers for inspiration for this project, I came across Nate Williams. His silhouetted shapes. obscure patterns and simple colouring really leant itself well to the films mysterious style. Although i am happy with the link between Williams' style and the film, I wouldn't choose to continue working in this way as it doesn't express my strengths.

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