BRIEF: "Become A Visual Magpie"
We want you to become visual magpies and search out old & unusual materials/ephemera. Use your free time to collect/acquire/buy or borrow as many examples from the list attached. It is important that you look creatively and make decisions about what you collect. We want you to start getting interested in older ephemera and to begin and to begin to understand its value in creating new pieces of art & design.
(Things you might consider collecting: old books or annuals/board games/old photographs/bits of packaging/children's books/instruction manuals/knitting patterns/LP covers/magazines/sweet wrappers/postcards/stamps/stickers/tickets/different coloured materials or papers/fabrics.)
BRIEF: "A Collection Of Unrelated Things"
This project is about understanding the value of good research and to encourage an appreciation of your collected ephemera/materials. Having spent the last week researching and collecting you should now examine your found and collected items. Deconstruct them and use them as ingredients to create new images, look at the details and think about colour, shape, texture, typography and image.
We require you to produce a series of creative and visually dynamic compositions in your sketchbooks utilising your found and collected items.
BRIEF: Part 2
Using your found and collected materials we now require you to create 2 images for a magazine spread. You should continue to experiment and create visually dynamic images. Reflect on the previous days work in the studio and use this to push your work forward, analyse what is successful and use this information to create your new imagery.
You will be supplied with a template of the magazine spread to mount your images on.